Here it is a bit of the process for this cool project I had the chance to help developing. The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientist of British Columbia - APEG - invited me to illustrate this fun and educational resource for children and their parents to learn more about the different types of jobs in their field.

Was very fun to receive all their material and think about the best way to illustrate each activities. To start, I had to design the 3 main Characters of the book. The couple of Robots, COG and SHALEY and the MAYOR of Innovatown, the city where everything happens. Down here a bit of the process and the final Designs:

After that was time to start on the activities, was fun to receive the material and learn a bit while developing each one. Here a bit of the process of how I translated the descriptions APEG's team sent me into illustrations:

Finally was time to develop the cover! I had fun giving the characters some colours and creating a Geoscience and Engineering based pattern. :)

And to finish this post, some pictures of the final product! I was very happy when I got the book, it made me remember of how much I enjoyed this kind of activities book when I was a kid, and I hope the kids have the same feeling with this one too! :D

For more information on APEG and to download the digital copy of this book, please visit:

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